All over the world, millions of people experience hearing loss each year. There are many reasons for losing your hearing. For example, as you age, you are susceptible to hearing loss into and past your 60s. Yet other reasons include exposure to loud sounds, trauma and infection.

Should you experience hearing loss, you can consult a local audiologist for a hearing test. An audiologist will perform a standard audiogram which will test the extent of your hearing loss, if any and refer you for a hearing aid fitting if it is required. Some of the signs you should get a hearing test include:

  • Muffled sounds
  • Turning your head to hear better
  • Difficulty following a conversation
  • Uncomfortable sounds inside your ears

Muted sounds from everyday things like your smartphone or TV are one of the first signs of hearing loss, while you may have to turn your head to hear something with your good ear. Socially, you may have trouble following a conversation at work or with friends as you miss words. And some forms of hearing loss might include uncomfortable sounds like a ringing in the ears from conditions like tinnitus.

Muted Sounds

When you experience hearing loss, typical sounds from everyday things such as the TV, your phone or radio are muffled. When sounds are muffled, they don’t sound how they should. They sound as if they are distant or as if someone has turned down the volume. If you experience this, it is cause for concern and you should take it seriously. It could be nothing more than an infection or the first indicator of hearing loss.

In particular, you might strain to hear high-pitched sounds when your hearing ability is diminished. High-pitched sounds such as birds, children or ringing phones become difficult to hear correctly. If you experience this hearing loss, you need an audiogram as soon as possible. An audiogram measures pitch as a standard part of the testing process.

Turning Your Head to Hear Better

One of the most noticeable ways that something is wrong is if you need to turn your head. For example, you might perceive a louder sound coming from the right-side speaker than the left when watching TV. And you may turn your head to hear better. This indicates something is wrong with the hearing in one of your ears. This is an indication of hearing loss.

However, it could be an ear infection causing your hearing loss in one ear. But it will affect your life somewhat. Therefore, if you find you turn your head to hear better, then see a doctor or an audiologist straight away. It might be best to see your general practitioner first if you need antibiotics since an audiologist cannot prescribe medication. On the other hand, suppose you are experiencing hearing loss and no infection. In that case, you need to book an appointment with an audiologist.

Difficulty Following a Conversation

Another clear indicator you might need a hearing test is when you miss words in a conversation or have trouble understanding people. For example, conversational difficulty is typically highlighted when you constantly ask someone to repeat something they have said. Another indicator is losing a conversation when someone’s mouth turns away from you, and you lose what they are saying.

This experience can become routine for you, and you may not even notice. Many people don’t realize they are having trouble with a conversation until someone points it out. A relative, your partner or a friend might notice you are missing what they say. The social aspect of this can cause other issues like social anxiety. Should you be experiencing this, then consider an appointment with an audiologist.

Uncomfortable Sounds Inside Your Ears

One of the more severe symptoms of hearing loss is a constant and uncomfortable sound in your ears. These sounds can range from low pitch to high and are usually experienced as a ringing. You should consult an audiologist if you experience this since it could signify tinnitus. Tinnitus is a serious condition that requires treatment. In addition, you may find that your tinnitus is more active when it’s quiet.

Tinnitus can cause psychological issues such as depression and anxiety brought on by disturbed sleep and annoyance. A standard audiogram conducted by an audiologist will determine whether you experience tinnitus. And the good news is that there are further treatments for the condition should you require them.

For more information and booking details, contact Imagine Hearing Solutions today at (530) 392-4533.